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(Zr, Si, Pr. V) - Body & Slip Stains for Firing at 1000 - 1250°C


SC689 - Lime Green by Sneyd Ceramics: 

Lime Green in our collection of ceramic stains is a zesty and vivacious shade, impeccably designed for firing at temperatures between 1000 and 1250°C. This colour captures the energetic spirit of ripe lime, offering a bright and tangy green that infuses ceramic pieces with a sense of freshness and liveliness. Its vibrant hue is akin to the lush foliage of tropical rainforests or the invigorating zest of citrus fruit, making it an ideal choice for adding a punch of vibrant, refreshing energy. Perfect for artists and ceramists seeking to bring a burst of playful brightness and dynamic charm to their work, Lime Green offers a palette that is both exhilarating and delightfully striking. Whether used to create standout pieces or as part of more intricate, colourful designs, Lime Green adds a layer of bold, zesty elegance to any ceramic creation.


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SC689 - Lime Green



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