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(Cd, Se, Zr, Si, Pr, Cr, Sn) - Body & Slip Stains for Firing at 1000 - 1250°C


SC1237 - Orlean Pink - by Sneyd Ceramics:

Orlean Pink is a standout shade in our collection of ceramic stains, specially formulated for excellence in firing at temperatures between 1000 - 1250°C. This exquisite color captures the romantic essence of Orleans, with a rich, vibrant pink that resonates with the hues of sunset skies and blooming roses. Its depth and intensity add a touch of elegance and flair to any ceramic piece, making it a favorite for artists looking to infuse their work with passion and vibrancy. This stain is particularly well-suited for those who wish to make a bold statement in their ceramic art, offering a perfect blend of sophistication and vivacious energy that can transform any ordinary piece into an extraordinary work of art.


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Your safety is our priority. Data Sheets are available for one or more of these product items. For detailed information and peace of mind, please don't hesitate to Contact Us. We are here to provide you with the information you need to create confidently and safely.


*images are for illustrative purposes only

SC1237 - Orlean Pink



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