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Poppy Red - by Sneyd Ceramics:

Introducing "Poppy Red" Onglaze Colour, the fiery hue that adds a burst of energy and vitality to your ceramic creations. This vibrant shade is a testament to the power of colour in expressing your artistic passion.


Vibrant and Bold:

"Poppy Red" is the quintessential colour for those who want to make a bold statement with their ceramics. Its intense hue captures attention and infuses your work with a vivacious energy.


Unleash Your Imagination:

Let your imagination run wild with "Poppy Red." This versatile colour can be used for a wide range of artistic expressions, from contemporary designs to classic pieces that evoke timeless beauty.


Expressive and Dynamic:

With "Poppy Red," your ceramics take on a whole new dimension. Its dynamic nature allows you to create expressive designs that radiate warmth, passion, and a zest for life.


Seamless Application:

Achieving precision and depth with "Poppy Red" is a breeze. Its smooth consistency ensures effortless application, whether you're painting intricate details or covering large surfaces.


Durability and Brilliance:

Once fired, "Poppy Red" retains its brilliance and durability. Your ceramics will showcase the enduring beauty of this captivating colour, making a lasting impression on admirers.


Safety First

Data Sheets are available for one or more of these product items. For detailed information and peace of mind, please don't hesitate to Contact Us. We are here to provide you with the information you need to create confidently and safely.

OG1014 - Poppy Red



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