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(Sn, Cr) - Body & Slip Stains for Firing at 1000 - 1250°C


SC976 - Violet - by Sneyd Ceramics:

Violet is an exquisite addition to our array of ceramic stains, meticulously formulated for firing at temperatures from 1000 to 1250°C. This stain boasts a deep, enchanting purple that conjures images of lush lavender fields and the delicate petals of wild violets. It's a hue rich in artistic heritage, offering a blend of tranquillity and vibrancy to any ceramic creation. This colour is particularly favoured by ceramists and artists who seek to infuse their work with a sense of regal majesty or a hint of charm, making it a standout choice in any ceramist's palette.


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*images are for illustrative purposes only

SC976 - Violet



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